Monday, June 20, 2011

For Your Viewing Pleasure

My weight loss journey has not been going well(probably because I eat alot of cheeseburgers-yum). Today, I will share my at my ideal weight and size and one of what I look like now. This is a pretty big step for me as I am very embarrassed about how I look right now. But, the past month or so, I completely gave up on trying to lose weight and just ate whatever I wanted. It stops today. Today, I am feeling motivated to eat better. Today I am feeling motivated to pull out one of my workout dvds and shake my bum! My husband and I decided to join Weight Watchers. I did it once before and I lost 25 lbs in the 3 months I did it. I am not sure when we are going to sign up, but it will be soon. In the meantime, I am going to work hard to cut out fast food and soda. That's the hardest for me. It's so much easier to order pizza, or grab a burger when you're a busy, working mom like me! Especially when your kid plays a sport. That just adds to the craziness.

So, here we go...just to put out there how much weight I have allowed myself to gain and how badly I need to get my butt in is a picture of me before my wedding. I was 150 lbs. I was in a size 8. I didn't even need to wear any spanx under my dress!!

And here is one of me in February of this year at 202 lbs and a size 14(a very snug 14). It's embarrassing.
OH. MAH. GAWD!!! Are you for real? Is that even the same person??? Is that a double chin?? GASP!!UGH. It's disgusting. So, I will change it. I will change it. I will change it!!! Yes, I will!!! Today, I had oatmeal for breakfast, and I have had 3 bottles of water. I have a little trick that has helped me in the past, that I am working on using again. Low sodium chicken bullion. If I am hungry and want to snack...I can drink a cup of broth. It fills me up, and gets my mind off the food. I used this trick alot during weight watchers and it helped me! Also, veggie broth is a good one as well. I can do it. I know I can. I owe it to myself and to my kids!!!  

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Biggest Loser

I love that show. Seeing these people work hard to lose their weight makes me feel like there is hope for me. Since I am not big enough to qualify for the show and I have seen people like this season's winner, Olivia, lose over a 100 pounds and end up looking like she was never heavy at all, I feel a little more motivated. I watched the finale and she and her sister look AMAZING. If they can do it, surely I can do it too. Of course, I don't get Bob or Jillian or 5 months at some beautiful ranch to do it. I don't think I could leave my kids for that long anyway.

On Sunday, we took the kids swimming. On Monday, I took a walk with the kids and the dog around the neighborhood. And on Tuesday, during my son's game, I pushed the baby in her stroller back and forth while watching the game. This was mostly because I was tired of chasing her and missing the game, but it turned out to be great exercise! Things are looking up a bit.