Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fat Flush Soup

It's no secret that the last few weeks...probably a month and a half, actually...I have not been on the wagon so to speak with my eating right and exercising.

I have been very stressed. I have forgotten to eat. I have eaten too much. I have not exercised much because I have been so tired, and I just want to go to bed.

Last weekend, while in the check out line with the hubs at Walmart, I stumbled across Women's Health Magazine, at least I think that is what it was. On the cover was a picture of some soup with the title, "Fat Flush Soup!" So, I opened up to the article. It's a diet created by Dr Anne Louise ( is a soup recipe you make and eat for lunch and dinner for a week. She has several books, which I did not buy but they talk about fat flushing for life, etc.

I love soup, especially of the tomato variety and this one is tomato based, so I thought, what the hey? I'll try it. Maybe it'll get me over my hump. Then I ran into a small roadblock. The recipe calls for beans. ICK. I hate beans. I mean like, even looking at them makes me want to gag. But I tried to keep an open mind, and I started a thread on an online community to ask about what type of beans I should use. The beans are for fiber, and I thought I should go ahead and keep them in. I was told that white beans or kidney beans would probably be best and that I should try to puree them and use them as a thickener for the soup, that way I won't have to actually chew a bean.

Last night, I made the soup. I got the beans and put them in the blender and pressed puree. Oh my nasty, they looked so gross all squished up. Then I got a whiff. Gag!!! I couldn't do it. I just couldn't do it. I poured them down the drain and turned on the disposal. I would rather take a fiber supplement than put that into my soup.

Breakfast for the next week is a choice of scrambled egg white with veggies, a specific smoothie or plain non-fat greek yogurt with fresh fruit. I chose the yogurt because I never get up on time to make scrambled eggs or make a smoothie. I measured out my yogurt and added my fruit and took a bite of it.

GROSS!!! Greek yogurt is the most sour and disgusting thing I've ever tasted, besides beans of course. Those are really gross. Anyway, I made myself eat a few bites with strawberries and ended up throwing the rest out. Sick. Lunch and dinner will be the soup.

Luckily, I can have two snacks and those can consist of veggies or a piece of fruit. I am glad I brought extra carrots to tide me over today.

Here's to fat flushing! We shall see what happens. Wish me luck!

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