Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Do you have some change?

Yes, that is what I asked. Do you have some change? I need some. How much you say? Oh, I don't know, 40, maybe 50 pounds of change. I gained 3 more pounds. I stopped restricting my soda intake. I feel hideous and guilty. I am not even hungry, yet I keep eating.

I tell myself it is stress. But is it? Or is it me? What am I afraid of really? What is that I am really doing to myself to keep from achieving my goal? Deep down inside, I am a vivacious, skinny girl who cares nothing about food and is happy to run down the street and dance around without a care in the world who will see me. On the outside, I am a frumpy and boring mom who hides behind her children and eats a cheeseburger because it's quick and easy. Why?

Because I want to spend more time with my family. Well, I could spend time with them while eating healthy too, so that's dumb. Because it tastes good. Well, so does grilled chicken. So, that's stupid. Because it's faster. Well, if I use the george foreman, it only takes about 7 minutes to grill a nice piece of chicken, so that one is null too. Because it's hard. Well, life is hard and it could always be worse, so that doesn't really work. Excuses, excuses and none of them good. When will I learn to stop eating bad food???

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel. Today at work me and another employee were talking about going to a hamburger joint and getting a hamburger vs. a turkey burger. So of course that then made me want one. So I had to decide if I wanted my somewhat healthy sandwich or a burger. I then tell myself whats one hamburger I can be good tomorrow.
