Monday, July 25, 2011

Margaritas make you skinny??

I have lost 9 pounds so far since I got serious with this whole counting calories and exercising thing. It is very exciting to look in the mirror and see my face coming back! It feels amazing that yesterday, the pair of XL jammy pants I put on promptly fell off. One step at a time right?

This weekend, I went out for Girl's Night!! Woot Woot!! Some very special ladies and I met at On the Border for some dinner and drinks. I ate fajitas and way too many chips. I'm pretty sure I blew my calorie count with my 3 rather large margaritas and all those chips.

But, we ended up at a great bar, where after a few more calorie killing drinks, I danced my ass off!! I am not a good dancer. I mean, I was in show choir for two years in high school and I did do Colorguard(flag core) one year, so I can do just about anything that is choreographed and do it pretty well. But, put me on a dance floor with hip hop/dance music, or any kind of music really and let me have free reign and I am pretty sure I look like I'm doing some weird version of the chicken dance.

Even so, I love to dance anyway and have alot of fun doing it. So, I did, ALL night long and am still sore today. I am certain I burned off some calories. So, in conclusion, I say that margaritas make you skinny!!!

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