Sunday I weighed 197. Today I weigh 196.4. Success!!! Ha ha. Okay, I know it isn't a huge success, but it is something! So far this week, I have only had one soda per day, haven't snacked during the day at all, have been drinking TONS of water and have stuck to a calorie count. Now, don't get me wrong, I did have pizza on Tuesday, but I stopped after the second slice, which is a HUGE deal for me. Besides, it had mushrooms on it. That makes it healthy right? And we grabbed burgers last night after baseball practice. BUT, I only ate a little more than half of my burger and didn't even have one fry! So, this is progress.
Let's talk about exercise! I still haven't started running 3 miles at 3 am before work...nor have I done 50 jumping jacks after dinner...but, I work in a warehouse and the restroom is pretty far away. Since I've increased my water intake, I have also increased my trips to the bathroom! When I go, I try to walk super fast, and then on the way back, I take an extra loop around the long way! I'd do this on the way to the ladies room, but seeing as how I'm practically running just to make it to the toilet on time, adding on extra mileage would probably cause some sort of spill. I mean, I wouldn't want the safety guy to have to break out the hasmat suit and bloodborn pathogens kit or anything!!
Yesterday, my husband and I had to chase our toddler around a rather large field while our son had baseball practice with his team. I chased her back and forth, and picked her up and walked a ways, and so on and so forth. My husband lifted her up and played with her, put her down. She would run to me...I'd do the same and she'd run back to him. By the time practice was over, I was breathing pretty heavy! I definitely think that counts as exercise!!
I haven't changed my entire lifestyle, and likely never fully will. But I made some small changes that are like moving mountains for someone like me! I have an exciting goal to work towards(nope, I'm not telling what it is, but it's a good one!)and I think I may just get the job done for once!!!
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