Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Food: Friend or Foe?

Okay, let's face it. Dieting sucks. I mean, I'm talking about dieting as in South Beach Diet, or Low Carb Diet...you know, all the fad diets that are always coming out of the woodwork. All these hot, rich celebrities come on tv showing off their perfect bodies and saying they got that way by doing this diet or that diet, or taking this or that pill. We look at them and think, "Man, I want to look that good" and go out and buy the latest pill or a book on the latest diet. And we give it a good run, stick to it for a month and lose--drum roll please--nothing. Not a pound. Nada. Zilch. UGH!!! And it's back to the drawing board for us.

We all know the truth. Those celebrities have personal trainers to kick their ass in the gym every day. They have enough money to have a quick little nip and tuck without anyone knowing. They have a nutritionist and a dietician, a personal chef and a personal assistant...all things that the average person just can't afford. When it all comes down to it, we are on our own to figure out what works best for us. Pills make you feel high or jittery and cutting out carbs leaves you feeling slow and tired...there has to be a happy medium! 

Some lucky ducks have a naturally high metabolism and can eat whatever they want all day long and never gain a pound their whole life. Unfortunately, some of us have to work at it. I am in that category. I used to eat whatever, whenever and wouldn't gain a pound. But now that I look back, I have figured out that I was super active back then. All through school, I was involved in some type of sport or dancing activity that involved constant movement, therefore, my metabolism must've been higher. My body chemistry was also very different then. I didn't eat if I was stressed and would lose weight. I was almost always too busy having fun to slow down and eat. After kids, a sedentary lifestyle where I sit at a desk for work, and life on the run, always running to this event or that baseball practice, fast food becomes a crutch and an easy out. I now eat when I'm happy, have something I love when I'm sad or have a bad day. I go ahead and have that extra Starbucks with all the bells and whistles when I'm extra tired. But it takes a toll on your body!!

Truthfully, there isn't any magic pill or amazing diet that will get you into those skinny jeans, or have you wanting to don a bikini all summer. It all boils down to how bad you really want it. There isn't an easy out. You have to make the lifestyle change. You have to eat right--yes, that means eat your veggies!!--and exercise. I have started this many times since the birth of my daughter 16 months ago. I have lost 25 pounds at the most, but every time I lose a significant amount, I end up gaining it right back! I lose my motivation after a few weeks of "being good". I fall back into my old habits and it all piles right back on, and then some. Sigh. I usually spend a few weeks feeling down on myself about it and then get right back on that horse. Somewhere inside, I know that fiery spirit with all the willpower of a buddhist monk still exists! And I will find her!!

UGH!!! Who wants to exercise? I don't!!! And I just want a cheeseburger I tell you!! But, now that my kids are getting old enough to understand, I really need to be a better role model if I want them to stay healthy as they grow up. So, eating right? I'll get there. Right now, I am just focused on eating less! Not so much snacking in between meals and not going back for seconds or thirds is my first goal! Also, drinking more water than soda. Then maybe I'll add in some exercise...Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. You could try a 6 day eating right plan and have what you want on one day a week (within reason)
